Add and style post pagination in Genesis Themes with WP-PageNavi

Genesis Post Pagination | Smarthomebeginner

This post details how to add post pagination in Genesis Theme Framework with WP-PageNavi plugin and style it with WP-PageNavi Style plugin. Splitting posts into pages is one way of increasing pageviews, decreasing bounce rate, and increasing CTR. StudioPress’s Genesis Theme Framework offer some of the professionally designed WordPress themes … read more

Genesis Theme Customization: Banner between post content and pagination

Genesis Theme Customization | Smarthomebeginner

Genesis Theme Framework is one of the most feature-full theme platforms available to run WordPress. Impressed with its features and customizability, we moved LinuXplained to Genesis Lifestyle theme in June 2012. Since moving to Genesis, our traffic has continually increased. Of course, we made other improvements as well but premium … read more

Track Alexa rank, Facebook Like, Twitter Follower, and FeedBurner Subscriber counts

Site Visibility History Featured | Smarthomebeginner

Recently, I published a few posts on getting Facebook like count, Twitter followers count, FeedBurner Subscriber count, and Alexa Rank and Sites Linking in using simple PHP codes. Doing so has several advantages: replacing widgets (thereby improving page speeds) and displaying counts a simple formatted texts. It also provides the … read more

Get FeedBurner subscribers count using PHP

Feedburner Count Php Ft | Smarthomebeginner

UPDATE (01/12/2013): This will no longer work because Google has shutdown FeedBurner API. FeedBurner is a web feed management provider from Google. It provides custom RSS feeds and management tools to bloggers, podcasters, and other web-based content publishers. Recently, I wrote posts on how to get Facebook like count using … read more

Get Twitter followers count using PHP

Twitter Followers Count Ft | Smarthomebeginner

Recently, I wrote a post on how to get Facebook like count using PHP. Continuing along the same lines, in this post, I will explain how to get Twitter followers count using a simple PHP script. The number can be stored in cache or a database and displayed as simple … read more

Get Facebook like count using PHP

Php Facebook Likes Count | Smarthomebeginner

The Facebook fanbox is pretty neat. It displays the Facebook like count as well as the pictures of the fans. One drawback to it is that it occupies a lot of space on your blog. In this post, I am going to explain how to get Facebook like count for … read more

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