How to clean wp_commentmeta and wp_postmeta tables?

Clean Up Comments Meta Ft | Smarthomebeginner

If you use WordPress and have been blogging for a while, the chances are your wp_commentmeta and wp_postmeta tables are huge and significantly larger than the actual wp_comments and wp_posts tables. Yes, it does not make sense that the meta data associated with comments and posts (the actual content) is … read more

Google webmaster tools access denied error fix

Gwt Feedburner Access Denied Ft | Smarthomebeginner

Google Webmaster Tools provides major tools necessary to monitor your website or blog and fix any errors that may interfere with Google indexing your pages and your pages showing up in Google Search results. Recently, I started noticing the notorious Webmaster Tools Access Denied error. Some of the Feedburner related … read more

How to display a random recent post in WordPress?

Random Recent Post Wordpress | Smarthomebeginner

This post explains how to get and display one random recent post in WordPress. WordPress can be even more powerful than it already is if you know PHP and are capable of customizing some of the scripts that power WordPress blogging platform. Unfortunately most bloggers are not coders and therefore … read more

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