Basic guide to compiling packages from source on Ubuntu

Compiling Packages From Source On Ubuntu

The word “compiling” intimidates a lot of novice or even intermediate users of Linux. In reality, compiling software packages on Ubuntu is not that difficult. In this post, we will explain what you need to know about compiling packages from source on Ubuntu. Some of the guides on htpcBeginner (installing … read more

How to install Glype on Ubuntu Server?

Glype On Ubuntu Ft | Smarthomebeginner

Glype is a web-based proxy script written in PHP with focus on features, functionality, and ease of use. In this post, I will explain how to install Glype on Ubuntu Server. A web-based proxy script can be hosted on a website and it provides proxy service to users via the … read more

How to install XBMC on Ubuntu?

How To Install Kodi

Having published how to install Kodi on Windows, let us now look how to install XBMC on Ubuntu systems. As you know, XBMC is a free open-source media center application that has quickly become a go to software for anybody who wants to setup a HTPC. XBMC builds are available … read more

How to install Webmin on Ubuntu and secure it?

Webmin Featured | Smarthomebeginner

In this post, I am going to explain how to install Webmin on Ubuntu and secure it to prevent unauthorized break-ins. Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, explore files, setup cron jobs, DNS, file sharing … read more

How to install PHP on Ubuntu?

Install Php Ubuntu Featured | Smarthomebeginner

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server side scripting language that powers several million dynamic websites, including those that run on WordPress. In this post, let us look at how to install PHP on Ubuntu and secure it before releasing it into the wild. After you install PHP, you may choose … read more

Install SABnzbd on Ubuntu in few simple steps

Sabnzbd Usenet Downloader

SABnzbd is a free and open source newsgrabber that makes Usenet as simple and streamlined as possible by automating almost all tasks. This post shows how to install SABnzbd on Ubuntu, including the latest 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS release. In my other post, I described how to install SABnzbd on … read more

How to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu?

Phpmyadmin Featured | Smarthomebeginner

Recently, I described how to setup a Apache webserver on Ubuntu. One of the easiest ways to manage MySQL databases is using phpMyAdmin. In this post, I will explain how to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu systems. phpMyAdmin is a free tool intended to handle the administration of MySQL using the … read more

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