Automatic WordPress backup to Google Drive

Wordpress To Google Drive | Smarthomebeginner

I regularly backup my WordPress files and the MySQL database on my internal network. While this is safe, what about emergencies where I lose my server and my backup drive? This though drove me to come up with a online WordPress backup solution. One of the first online storage service … read more

Add StudioPress Genesis theme custom logo image

Genesis Theme Framework Ft | Smarthomebeginner

With the availability of low cost WordPress hosting, numerous WordPress blogs have sprung up in the recent years. StudioPress’s Genesis Theme Framework offer some of the professionally designed WordPress themes and templates. I wanted to change the header section title to an image logo on one of my StudioPress sites. … read more

Change WordPress login logo

Linuxplained Login Logo

WordPress login page comes with a default WordPress logo that points to “” and the alt text says “Powered by WordPress”. While I am grateful to WordPress, I would like my visitors/registered users to be able to identify my blog easily. The fact that you are reading this shows that … read more

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