How to install PuTTY on Windows?

Install Putty Windows Ft | Smarthomebeginner

This post describes how to install PuTTY on Windows systems. If you have a Linux server running OpenSSH, connecting to it through SSH from a remote system can come in very handy for administration purposes. Mac and Linux come with SSH clients that can help connecting to remote servers while … read more

How to install rsync on GoDaddy hosting to backup files?

Install Rsync On Godaddy Ft | Smarthomebeginner

Some of you may know that due to increasing traffic and popularity, we recently moved to reliable Linux hosting on In this post, I will explain how to install rsync on GoDaddy Linux Hosting account. Rsync is a utility software and network protocol for Unix-like systems that synchronizes … read more

5 Easy steps to Increase Shellinabox Security

| Smarthomebeginner

Shell-In-A-Box a web based AJAX terminal emulator to remotely control you Linux Server. Recently, I explained how to install Shellinabox on Ubuntu and how to install SSH server on Ubuntu. This post explains, how to increase Shellinabox security on Apache webservers. Shellinabox allows users to login using their username and … read more

How to install Shellinabox on ubuntu?

Shellinabox Featured | Smarthomebeginner

Shell In A Box implements a web server that listens on a specified port and offers a web-based terminal emulator to remotely control you Linux Server. This post explains how to install Shellinabox on Ubuntu. It runs as an AJAX web application listening to port 4200 by default and available … read more

Install SSH server on Ubuntu Linux

Ssh Ubuntu Ft | Smarthomebeginner

SSH (“secure shell”) offers a powerful collection of tools for remote control of networked computers and transfer of data between networked computers. In this post, I will explain how to install SSH server on Ubuntu system. It should work on all recent releases of Ubuntu, including 12.04 Precise Pangolin. This … read more

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