Combine the best of Kodi and Plex with PleXBMC Addon

Kodi And Plex | Smarthomebeginner

Recently I compared the benefits of both Kodi and Plex and teased that you can start using Plex with Kodi together to enjoy the benefits of both applications. Doing so brings the centralized media management feature of Plex and the customizability of Kodi, together to provide an awesome media experience. … read more

How to install RasPlex on Raspberry Pi 1 and 2?

Rasple Install

Installing RasPlex on Raspberry Pi is a relatively simple process. This article will outline how to install RasPlex ( in a few easy steps. RasPlex is an open source and community maintained port of Plex Home Theater which runs on OpenELEC. This is client software which allows you to access … read more

Plex on Roku: New Plex Channel on Roku Devices

Roku Plex Update | Smarthomebeginner

Hallelujah! Plex has recently announced a Roku Plex update in the form of a new Plex channel for Roku devices and it is one hell of an improvement!! You can see the announcement from Plex on the Plex blog. I recently wrote about the comparisons between Kodi vs Plex and … read more

5 Most common NAS or Home Server uses

Best Home Server Uses

Let us look at some of the most common network attached storage server or home server uses for the sake of people wondering why have a home server? Recently, we described what is HTPC and what it is used for? We also presented an energy efficient HTPC Home Server combo … read more

Amazon FireTV Stick introduced, preorder now for $39

Amazon Firetv Stick

Amazon introduced the Amazon FireTV stick yesterday that connects to the TV directly through HDMI and streams high definition content from the internet or a local server. This in some ways makes it a viable Chromecast alternative or competitor to the Roku streaming stick. But in my opinion, the Amazon … read more

What Plex Client Hardware is Right for You?

Plex Header

Are you looking for Plex client hardware to compliment your new installation of Plex media server? Then look no further than this list I have assembled containing the most up-to-date hardware available to use today. Installing the media server is all well and good but without a client to stream … read more

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