10 Best Linux Home Server Distros – Stability, Performance, Ease of Use

Best Linux Home Server Distros

Home servers are incredibly useful and here are some of the best Linux home server distros to pick and OS from. Whether for network file storage or serving media, server applications vary considerably. The operating system is arguably the most important server characteristic. This dictates program compatibility, user interface, and … read more

Younity Review: easily stream your media from anywhere

Younity Review Featured E1453352368221 | Smarthomebeginner

There is increased interest -and technical possibilities- to get access to your home computer media and files from anywhere in the world. Applications such as Emby media server and Plex Android app, enable you to get access to your media wherever you may be located, but that’s all they are really … read more

How to run a Ubuntu home server on VirtualBox VM?

Ubuntu Home Server On Virtualbox Vm

Don’t have an extra PC laying around, no problem, just run a Ubuntu home server on VirtualBox VM. I have been pumping out VirtualBox tutorials over the last two months. Some have asked me if VirtualBox is somehow related to HTPCs. This post will answer that question. This post is … read more

5 Most common NAS or Home Server uses

Best Home Server Uses

Let us look at some of the most common network attached storage server or home server uses for the sake of people wondering why have a home server? Recently, we described what is HTPC and what it is used for? We also presented an energy efficient HTPC Home Server combo … read more

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