RAIO: Raspberry Pi has never been easier

Raio Featured Image | Smarthomebeginner

I must admit that when I first read this name, it made me think back to my first language, Spanish. I was reminded of the word “rayo”, which sounds strikingly alike, and means “lightning”. I was once again reminded of that word when I felt a jolt of surprise and … read more

Maraschino frontend: a free HTPC web interface

Maraschino Featured | Smarthomebeginner

If you are looking for a free and open-source alternative that acts as a simple web interface for your XBMC/Kodi HTPC, providing you with a nice overview or front page, from which you can control many aspects of your install, then look no further. Maraschino frontend is a project developed … read more

Chromecast vs Apple TV – Which is worth your money?

Chromecast Vs Apple Tv

At first glance, this topic of Chromecast vs Apple TV seems straightforward. Android users tend to be drawn toward Chromecast while iPhone users look into Apple TV. It’s actually a bit more involved than that. Both devices have their own strengths and weaknesses. Purely from a sales perspective it seems … read more

UsenetServer annouces Usenet with free VPN – Giveaway

Uns Free Vpn Ft | Smarthomebeginner

Last month, UsenetServer announced another big upgrade to their service: Usenet with free VPN. the Usenet VPN free service runs alongside your Usenet access and provides a anonymity using a protective encryption tunner for your internet connection. According to UsenetServer team, this keeps your “online activity safe and anonymous from … read more

Raspbmc and Crystalbuntu are evolving into OSMC

Osmc - Open Source Media Center

Raspbmc and Crystalbuntu are getting bigger and better and evolving into OSMC (Open Source Media Center). In my recent comparison of Raspbmc and OpenELEC, the two major OSes that bring XBMC to Raspberry Pi, my choice was Raspbmc. One of the exciting things about Raspbmc is whats coming in the … read more

Kodi entertainment center is the new XBMC

Kodi Entertainment Center

XBMC, the most popular media center software for any platform, will become Kodi entertainment center starting version 14 (Helix). XBMC 14, scratch that, Kodi 14 of course will have the same if not better awesomeness. While the renaming was done to better reflect its current capabilities and to be able … read more

Holiday Sale