Prerequisites to Install Unofficial Apps on Fire TV

Prep Amazon Fire Tv For Sideloading

Amazon makes it very difficult to install unofficial apps on Fire TV and Stick. Understandably, this is mainly to protect their business. It also protects consumers from malicious content. But when carefully done, sideloading unofficial apps or installing them from unknown sources can greatly enhance your AFTV experience. Few weeks … read more

Guide: How to install Kodi USTVNow addon

Install Kodi Ustvnow Featured | Smarthomebeginner

A problem many HTPC users face is adding content to their setup in a way that requires minimum effort. The community of developers for Kodi is particularly aware of this, as you can see if you browse our lists for the 10 best Kodi movies addons or the 10 best … read more

Guide: How to install Kodi Navi X addon?

Install Kodi Navi X Featured | Smarthomebeginner

Addons extend Kodi’s functionality, and in this post I will show you how to install Kodi Navi X addon. Navi X is among the 20 best Kodi addons we recommend. Addons make it easier to get content on your Kodi HTPC. You may already know this if you tested some … read more

Guide: How to install Emby CoverArt Plugin

Install Emby Coverart Featured | Smarthomebeginner

No matter what application you use for your HTPC needs, it is always a good thing to be able to customize it to your needs. The upper hand on customization is, without a doubt, held by Kodi; this application can be customized with the best Kodi movie addons to watch … read more

Guide: How to install Kodi Twitch addon

Install Kodi Twitch Featured | Smarthomebeginner

There are several gaming addons for Kodi that bring your HTPC experience close to the gaming world, be it by allowing you to play games on your HTPC directly -this is the case with Kodi ROM Collection Browser-, or rather allowing you to watch streams and content related to gaming. In … read more

Guide: How to configure Kodi addon shortcuts

Kodi Addon Shortcuts Featured | Smarthomebeginner

Kodi addon shortcuts are an amazing, easy and convenient way to configure your Kodi HTPC experience to your liking. By adding shortcuts on Kodi main screen, you can reach your favorite addons -or even specific features within your addons, for some screens- with the minimum keypresses possible; enabling you to … read more

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