We Moved! Welcome to htpcBeginner

Move To Htpcbeginner Ft | Smarthomebeginner

For the past two years, we have been making your HTPC and Linux Home Server administration easier by writing several simple tutorials at www.LinuXplained.com. LinuXplained (or LinuX eXplained) is a free Linux home server resource site. LinuXplained was originally founded in April 2010 by Anand. The main goal of this … read more

htpcbeginner.com 1st Birthday: Recap and Next Steps

Htpcbeginner.com'S First Birthday

May 21st marked the first birthday or htpcBeginner (formerly LinuXplained). Truly though, it has been 2.5 year since I started a tech blog on WordPress on my first Ubuntu Server back in December 2010. With nearly 1200 likes, 600 followers, and 120 plusones/followers, we are slowly but surely growing to … read more

htpcBeginner Yearly Review 2012

Happy New Year | Smarthomebeginner

First of all, we wish you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. 2012 was a very significant year for htpcBeginner. After being virtually non-existent from April 2010 to April 2012, we revamped the site and re-launched it as LinuXplained in June 2012. Since then its growth have been mind-boggling … read more

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