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Monit: Monitor Transmission process status

Monit can monitor Transmission and notify you if it stops running for some reason. Setting up a completely automated home server is awesome. But what if one of your apps fails and you did not even know? You may be waiting for your movie or episode to be downloaded but it never happens because the app has stopped functioning. Monit is an automatic monitoring, maintenance, and repair utility for Unix systems. If your Transmission WebUI fails, Monit can send you an email alert. It can even try to restart Transmission daemon. In this Monit tutorial, I will describe how to monitor Transmission with Monit system monitoring app. I am assuming that you have already installed and configured Monit following my previous guide.

Monitor Transmission

On my recently built energy-efficient home server, I test and run several apps including Transmission. I use Monit to monitor several services listed below:

Monitor your home server with Monit:

In this guide, I will show you how to monitor Transmission process status so that the automatic download system you setup keeps running as it should. Just another layer of automation for your home server.

Before enabling Transmission monitoring, it is required that you have a working Monit instance with a proper /etc/monit/monitrc file. Monit configurations for various services are loaded from /etc/monit/conf.d folder.

1. Find Transmission WebUI Port

First, you will need to find what port your Transmission daemon setup is listening on. If you find this guide interesting, you probably already know your port. In case, you do not know your port number there are couple of ways to find it. If you installed Transmission using AtoMiC ToolKit then you can use the "Access Details" feature from within AtoMiC ToolKit Transmission submenu.

Transmission Access Details On Atomic Toolkit
Transmission Access Details On Atomic Toolkit

Alternatively, you can open Transmission settings file and look for the port. If you followed our Transmission WebUI installation guide then you can open settings file using the following command:

nano ~/.config/transmission/settings.json

Then, look for the port number. Find the line similar to:


In this guide, we are going to assume you are using port 9091, which is the Transmission daemon default port.

Setup Monit Transmission Monitoring Script

To monitor Transmission with Monit, create a Monit configuration file using the following command:

sudo /etc/monit/conf.d/transmission

Copy the following contents to it, save, and exit (press Ctrl X, press Y, and press ENTER).

check process Transmission matching "transmission-daemon"
    start program = "/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start"
    stop program  = "/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop"
    if failed host port 9091 type TCP for 2 cycles then restart
    if 2 restarts within 3 cycles then unmonitor

If you are using Transmission behind SSL (HTTPS access) then use TCPSSL instead of TCP in the above code block. This code will make Monit send you an email alert when Transmission is not running. As example, the picture below shows 2 emails from monit: one when CouchPotato process was found to be not running and another after Monit successfully restarted CouchPotato.

Monit Alerts - Process Not Found And Auto Restart
Monit Alerts - Process Not Found And Auto Restart

A cycle is 1 monitoring period as set in /etc/monit/monitrc. If 2 restarts occur within 3 monitoring cycles, Monit will stop monitoring Transmission process status instead of bombarding you with email alerts. You can customize the above rules as you please. [Read: What is Usenet and why is it better than Torrents?]

Test and Reload Monit

Once you make any changes you have to test Monit configuration:

sudo monit -t

You should see the following message: Control File Syntax OK. Then, check to see if Monit is already running using the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/monit status

If Monit is running, reload Monit configurations using the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/monit reload

If Monit is not running, then start it using sudo monit command instead. The whole sequence of commands for testing and reloading Monit is shown in the picture below.

Monit Test And Reload
Monit Test And Reload

Now, fire up your web browser and visit one of the following URLs depending on how your Monit is configured (be sure to use the correct port number):

  • http://localhost:2812
  • http://IPADDRESS:2812 (local network IP)
  • (if you have domain name pointing to your server)

You should see Transmission process status in the Monit status page shown in the picture below.

Monitor Transmission Process Status With Monit
Monitor Transmission Process Status With Monit

That is it for Transmission monitoring with Monit. As you can see Monit allows for automatic server monitoring, which can be a big help for system administrators. Monit Wiki page has several examples. More home server specific Monit examples to follow, so keep checking back.

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Anand is a self-learned computer enthusiast, hopeless tinkerer (if it ain't broke, fix it), a part-time blogger, and a Scientist during the day. He has been blogging since 2010 on Linux, Ubuntu, Home/Media/File Servers, Smart Home Automation, and related HOW-TOs.