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Install Addon Installer on Kodi, aka Fusion Installer, from ZIP (Method 1)

This post demonstrates how you can install Addon installer on Kodi and simplify installing other addons. Addon Installer (aka Fusion Installer for XBMC) is an addon from TVAddons. It connects to a repository of addons on TVAddons to download and install addons. Recently, we presented the list of top Kodi addons, one of which was Addon Installer. Many readers were lost as to how to install Addon Installer on Kodi. We are writing this guide to showcase Addon Installer for XBMC / Kodi and detail how to setup Addon Installer for Kodi.

Update (Jul, 2017): Addon Installer addon is now defunct due to a lawsuit against TV Addons. Therefore this guide will not work. Try these legal addons instead.
Update (Aug 21st, 2016): You can also install Fusion Addon Installer through the Fusion repository, which will help you keep it updated automatically. Read more about it with our guide: Install Kodi Addon Installer from Fusion Repository (Method 2)

Kodi Addon Installer Interface
Kodi Addon Installer Interface

Kodi Addon installer presents hundreds of awesome addons on an easily browseable interface. Download and installation of any addon is just couple of clicks away. [Read: 5 Best Kodi skins in 2015 to enhance your media center]

Addon Installer Download

First of all, download Addon Installer for Kodi / XBMC. To do this head over to Addon Installer for Kodi download page and download the latest available version as zip file. Save the file to a known location on local system.

Download Addon Installer For Kodi
Download Addon Installer For Kodi

Also, if the download page is inaccessible, here is alternate link to download Fusion installer for Kodi. This alternate link may not have the latest version but you can update to latest version after installation, through Kodi interface. [Read: Kodi MySQL setup for sharing media library]

Install Addon Installer for Kodi

To install Addon Installer, go to Settings -> Addons on Kodi and click install from zip file.

Install Kodi Addon From Zip
Install Kodi Addon From Zip

Navigate to the location where you saved the zip file and select the zip file to complete the Addon Installer installation. Upon successful addon installer setup you will see a confirmation message as shown below.

Kodi Addon Installer Installed
Kodi Addon Installer Installed

Configure Addon Installer

The optional next step is to configure Addon Installer. To this, open Addon Installer from Programs and click on Installer Settings. You will be presented with the window shown below.

Addon Installer Settings
Addon Installer Settings

Next, enable all different addon categories you are interested in. [Read: 5 Kodi advanced settings I always use on media centers]

Install Kodi Addons using Addon Installer

Now you are all set to install almost all of the best Kodi addons. Installing Kodi addon through Addon Installer is as easy as navigating through the intuitive interface and selecting the addon you would like to install.

Addon Installer Menu
Addon Installer Menu

Finally, during installation the repository for the addon is also installed. This ensures that the addon is automatically updated when updates are available. Addon Installer is an awesome Kodi plugin developed by TVAddons. Kudos to them for all the hard work they put in. Go ahead install Addon Installer on Kodi and make installing and maintaining Kodi addons easy.

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Anand is a self-learned computer enthusiast, hopeless tinkerer (if it ain't broke, fix it), a part-time blogger, and a Scientist during the day. He has been blogging since 2010 on Linux, Ubuntu, Home/Media/File Servers, Smart Home Automation, and related HOW-TOs.

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