Authelia Docker Compose Guide: Secure 2-Factor Authentication [2024]
Don’t like to outsource your authentication to third-party services like Google OAuth? Then this Authelia Docker Compose guide is for you.
Don’t like to outsource your authentication to third-party services like Google OAuth? Then this Authelia Docker Compose guide is for you.
This revised, 2024, Traefik Docker Compose is the most in-depth, step-by-step, guide on the planet. period. Everything from beginning to end in detail.
Here are a few ways to get Auto-Traefik for free or a discounted price.
Build a robust and featureful home media server with Docker. This step-by-step guide is part of the Docker Server series by Anand.
This multi-part Docker Server tutorial covers everything on how to setup your home/media/web server, and more using Docker Compose. This is the way I do it.
Putting Proxmox web interface behind Traefik reverse proxy is slightly tricky. This guide shows, how to access Proxmox VE WebUI via Traefik reverse proxy and fully qualified domain name.
Version 2.0 of Auto-Traefik script is a nearly full rewrite and brings a host of new features, including Authelia, Portainer, and more.
This post shows you how to conditionally bypass Traefik forward authentication, in a secure way. This is useful for apps such LunaSea, NZB360, etc.
The next version of the Auto-Traefik script, v1.1, is here with several updates and improvements.